
Coffee Roasting Is Both An Art And A Science. Roasting brings out the aroma and flavor that is locked inside the green coffee beans. The perfect roast is always a personal choice, so go ahead, and pick your brew.

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Weight: 1.00 lbs
A delicate mixture of fruity sweet and savory flavors of the vanilla bean.

Our beans are flavored with a variety of ingredients and spices as it brews to produce delicious flavor-infused coffee that not only smells amazing, but tastes amazing too.

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Light Roast

Light roast coffee is a light brown color and has no oil on the surface of the beans. These coffees typically have a crisp acidity, a mellow body, and bright flavors. These coffees are roasted in order to preserve the unique characteristics of the bean.

Medium Roast

Medium roast coffee is a brown color and rarely has an oily surface. These coffees have a medium acidity and body, as well as a rounded flavor profile. Roasting to this level also preserves many of the unique flavors of the coffee’s origin, but it also begins to reach into the deep caramel sweetness of a longer roast.


Dark Roast coffees are dark brown, even close to a blackened color. The beans are characterized by drawn-out oil that glosses the surface. Coffee made from a Dark Roast has a robust, full body. The flavors from the coffee’s country of origin are almost entirely roasted out, taking on a very bold and smoky taste.


Decaf is short for decaffeinated coffee. It’s coffee from coffee beans that have had at least 97% of their caffeine removed. There are many ways to remove caffeine from coffee beans. Most of them include water, organic solvents, or carbon dioxide.